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Call Sacyr iChallenges 2019


Open innovation program seeks to collaborate with diverse agents of the innovative ecosystem to solve different sector challenges

Hasta el lunes, 22 de julio de 2019 a las 23:59

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Sacyr today announced the launch of a new edition of Sacyr iChallenges 2019, an open innovation and co-creation program aimed at solving, in collaboration with agents of the innovative ecosystem, four business challenges posed by the company

This open innovation program seeks to collaborate with diverse agents of the innovative ecosystem to solve different sectoral challenges

The deadline for submitting proposals at www.sacyrichallenges.com is from June 19 to July 22, 2019

Sacyr iChallenges broadens the spectrum of innovative agents with whom it co-creates to consolidate itself as a reference program for open innovation. The program is open to proposals from large companies, technological firms, UTEs, research centers, universities, start-ups, etc.
Four strategic challenges

The four challenges for which Sacyr proposes a collaboration model are:

● Smart business development: A technological solution that brings together the information available on the network, allowing the early identification of new business opportunities for the turnkey construction of industrial plants.

● Digitization of job security: Technological solution that helps employees and site supervisors to prevent in real time the occupational safety risks that may arise during the execution of the same.

● Social care and remote care: Technological solution, with social focus and that provides added value, to monitor remotely and in real time the routines of dependent people, in order to offer well-being to users and peace of mind to their relatives.

● Intelligent tolls: New ways of detecting and automatically classifying vehicles for the collection of tolls that streamline the current process and provide value to users, public administrations and Sacyr.

Sacyr offers the innovative community a unique opportunity to collaborate with its network of customers and suppliers to accelerate and scale new business models and new technologies. In addition to the lines of collaboration that will be developed between the innovative agents and the company, the Sacyr Foundation will recognize, within the framework of the 9th edition of the Sacyr Awards for Innovation, some of the initiatives presented by the innovative community in the iChallenges program.

More information at https://www.sacyrichallenges.com/

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