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Argenta equips its most technological plant with two Innova Group packaging lines

Doble línea embalaje Cerámica en Argenta Factoria 5

Total automation, industry 4.0 and sustainability come together in this premium packaging project



Publicado el miércoles, 27 de julio de 2022 a las 11:20

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Sistema Stretch Hood en Argenta Factoria 5

Sistema Stretch Hood en Argenta Factoria 5

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Sistema Envolvedora Automática Argenta Factoria 5

Sistema Envolvedora Automática Argenta Factoria 5

Grupo Argenta  has once again relied on  Innova Group  technology to equip its  new Factory  5 with two complete automated packaging lines. Argenta Factoría 5 is presented as  one of the  most technological production hubs  of the ceramic group and also of the tile sector .

Total automation, industry 4.0 and sustainability come together in the packaging project with Innova, premiered at the end of 2021 in  Vall d'Alba (Castellón),

The new factory in Argenta is dedicated to the manufacture of large-format rectified porcelain tiles, and in order to respond to its needs for high production and format specifications, Innova  completed a project with two complete packaging lines of  the Signature Argenta with the aim of  total protection of your product .


With this double installation, Grupo Argenta  now has 8 packaging lines with Innova, distributed among its different factories in Onda, Vilafamés and Vall d'Alba , in addition to other international projects.


Total automation of the end of line

At the end of the line at Factory 5,  the entire process is fully automated: from the palletizing line, the load is transported by AGV vehicles to the packaging lines.  Once the AGV deposits the pallet at the entrance of the respective line, a final packaging process begins that ensures the best support and protection for its transport over thousands of km. Once the pallet is packed and wrapped, it is again transported by AGV for its logistical storage. All without human intervention.

The Signature Argenta line combination

The project consisted of a double packaging station, with the combination of Signatura Argenta systems, as it was the same one chosen in all its packaging lines due to its maximum protection and fastening results.

  • Input line for AGV

The inputs of both lines are adapted to the input of the pallet by AGV, which automatically communicates to the PLC of the packaging line the specific pallet and packaging format that must be applied for that type of pallet.


  • Horizontal Strapping System with Edge protectors 

The horizontal pallet strapping system compacts and holds the load horizontally at various heights. In the case of requiring  edge protection by type of format, the system includes a edge protector applicator that places them prior to strapping.


  •  Ring wrapper system

 Next, the  Innova AWR Pro  automatic wrapping machine performs the most complete clamping of the Argenta ceramic product. With a double film carriage system for greater speed, it compacts, holds and unites the merchandise with the pallet in a way that respects ceramic boxes.


  • Stretch Hood lining system

Both lines have their own final pallet wrapping system for a faster packaging process. The Stretch Hood Pro System | S2 by Innova provides the Argenta product with total waterproof protection for indoor or outdoor storage. The Stretch Hood film is one of the most advanced on the market since it is a multilayer LLPDE film with barrier properties against rain, humidity, dust and an anti-UV filter.


  • Output line and connection with AGV

 An automatic weighing system is included in the outgoing transport line that weighs the already packed load and sends the information in real time to the labeling system.

 The entire packaging station culminates in an external accumulation line for the collection of pallets by AGV and subsequent fully automated logistics classification.


More than technology partners

With the Argenta Factory 5 project, the relationship between Argenta and Innova is further strengthened as its technological partner at the end of the line. In fact,  Argenta  has communicated its "satisfaction with the results of the new project, in line with our production objectives and final load protection".


For  Innova  «it is a pride to provide packaging solutions for this large ceramic group. Our mission is to accompany and continue alongside Argenta on his technological path. Our vision is to continue working for a  more connected and sustainable industry  together with a partner with whom we share values ​​and a  passion for R&D, sustainability and people's talent."


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