

Solar Fleet

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Enviado: el viernes, 28 de julio de 2017 a las 11:33



Sánchez Ten, Senén

Visitas: 3.878
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    Solar Fleet
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     SolarFleet is a photovoltaic based system coupled with the refrigeration unit which is installed in the top of transport vehicles of fresh goods. No matter the size and the field of distance. The system feeds from solar power the goods refrigeration unit.

    Actually one of the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions come from road transport sector, 94% of fuel in transport comes from oil and 18% of GHG emissions in the UE come from road heavy transport. With this system can be reduced greenhouse gas emissions in each frigo vehicle from around 11% - in conservative calculations - by directly reducing the diesel oil consumption. The system enables comptitiveness of the transport companies by reducing expenses in fuel on the company fleet. The solution addresses long distance transport companies, local delivery companies and one-person businesses in transport sector of fresh goods that requires refrigerated transport. Can be installed from 12 m. length trailers to light commercial city vehicles.

    We estimate a refrigerated vehicle fleet in Spain of 56.500 units. But extending to other countries in the UE  and United States this figure can be increased easily by 10 according to our studies. A characteristic of road transport market is its transnational DNA, many operating companies in Spain come from other countries and this could open the access to other markets in the UE and U.S.A. for the product. We work in do accurate estimations of abroad fleets operating in Spain, as our country is a first player in production and transport of fresh goods. Our product can be addressed to fleet owners, logistic companies, fresh goods producers with transport force teams, delivery companies and one person-business. But on other hand we can cooperate with refrigerator units and trailer manufacturers to integrate from design stage the Solarfleet in the vehicle.

    The system aims to integrate last tecnology of high efficiency solar cells of slim coating technology in transport. The cells can be integrated as a layer with no alteration of vehicle dimensions. The solar cells are coupled to a compact conversion system that transforms solar energy in a voltage signal usable in refrigeration unit. To maximize solar harnessing there is integrated a high efficieny battery that storages sun energy when refirerator is not used. Our project has the objective of integrate diferent technologies specifically customized for vehicles at competitive cost. We bring a solution easily installable and with smart results at sort term for the client.






    Solar Fleet Team

    Senén Sánchez 


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    Solar Fleet, Manage Sun to The Transport

Formulario origen:

Url: http://ceeivalencia.emprenemjunts.es/?op=65&n=585

Canal: CEEI Valencia

Publicado el 31/05/2017

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