
COSME: Competitiveness of enterprises and SMEs

Aims at improving the business environment of European enterprises.

Publicado por LauraSo
viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012 a las 08:55

The proposal of the European Commission for a programme for the Competitiveness of enterprises and SMEs (COSME) aims at encouraging the competitiveness of European enterprises. With small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), current and potential entrepreneurs and business support organisations as its main targets, the programme will provide better access to finance, deliver business support services and promote entrepreneurship. Subject to the approval by the Council and the European Parliament, the Programme will run from 2014 to 2020 with a foreseen budget of € 2.5 billion.

→ Objectives

·· Facilitating access to finance for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)

·· Creating an environment favourable to business creation and growth

·· Encouraging an entrepreneurial culture in Europe

·· Strenghtening the sustainable competitiveness of EU enterprises

·· Supporting the internationalisation of SMEs and improving their access to markets.

→ Key Actions under the programme

1. Access to finance for SMEs through dedicated financial instruments: The financial instruments target companies in different phases of their lifecycle: creation, expansion and business transfer.

2. Enterprise Europe Network: a network of business service centres, "one-stop shop" for the business needs of SMEs in the EU and beyond. It brings together more than 600 business support organisations from across 60 countries, including chambers of commerce and industry, technology centres or development agencies.

3. Entrepreneurship: Support will be given to encourage trans-national networks, to exchange good practices and identify scope for expanding business activities. A broad range of specific actions will be organised every year in the EU to support SMEs or specific target groups, such as young or women entrepreneurs.

4. Improving framework conditions for the competitiveness of enterprises and policy development: Analytical work will be undertaken to facilitate evidencebased policy-making by national and regional policymakers.

5. Internationalisation of SMEs: The programme will provide SMEs with support to facilitate business expansion in the EU Single Market and in markets outside the EU.

→ Main beneficiaries

·· Entrepreneurs (small businesses in particular): easier access to funding for development, consolidation and growth of their enterprises.

·· Future entrepreneurs (including young people): assistance in setting up their own business.

·· National, regional and local authorities: tools for effectively reforming policy: reliable, EU wide data and statistics, best practice and financial support to test and scale up sustainable solutions for improving global competitiveness.


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