
Valencia EU|BICs in Motion!


The Role of the EU|BICs in stimulating and supporting the young entrepreneurs in the Comunidad Valenciana, Spain

Publicado por torregrosa
martes, 14 de julio de 2015 a las 11:38

This report, published by EBN, maps the Valencian innovation landscape, providing aggregated key performance indicators of the different local EU|BICs (e.g. deal flow for start-ups created, job creation, etc). It does so by showcasing quantitative and qualitative data. In addition, it displays the different events methodologies and tools deployed in the region in order to boost efficient lead generation, foster young entrepreneurship and build opportunities for exchange of best practises.

The four EU|BICs of the Valencian region - Alcoy, Castellón, Elche and Valencia – have been able to develop close cooperation by identifying synergies in the region, thus covering a broad range of sectors and services. In turn, this close collaboration has produced great results, such as the widely known Emprenemjunts portal and the Entrepreneur’s Day annual gathering. In fact, the two initiatives have become a reference for self-starters across the country, inspiring EU|BICs in the network to learn and develop similar initiatives.

The Valencia region strategic geographical location (in the Mediterranean coast) has been undoubtedly a major asset for its economy. Despite ranking fourth region in Spain in terms of production (GDP), Valencia was harshly affected by the 2008 economic crisis, prompting EU|BICs to quickly implement smart solutions. Since then, Valencian EU|BICs have been working hard to tap into the full potential of the region, and restore its competitive economic advantage by accelerating innovative businesses.

EBN - The European Business and Innovation Centres Network- is a network of around 150 quality-certified EU|BICs (business and innovation centres) and 100 other organisations that support the development and growth of innovative entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs. EBN is also a community of professionals whose day-to-day work helps these businesses to grow in the most effective, efficient and sustainable way.

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