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European digital forum

Growth of the digital economy in Europe

miércoles, 27 de diciembre de 2017

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New study proposes a ten-step program to expand European companies European startups lack investment opportunities and capital increase in their key phase of growth With the aim of providing useful ideas to the Investment Plan for Europe presented by the president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, the report analyzes the places where the financing of the growth of the company breaks in Europe and proposes a plan of ten points. The European Digital Forum is a think tank dedicated to empowering technology entrepreneurs and the growing digital economy of Europe. The initiative is led by the Lisbon Council, a European think tank based in Brussels, and Nesta, the innovation foundation of the United Kingdom, in collaboration with the European Commission's Startup Europe initiative. The founding partners include the European Investment Fund, Telefónica and the Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Bank (BBVA). Accenture serves as a partner. The European Digital Forum was launched at the World Economic Forum in January 2014

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