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Demogravi3 Offshore - Wind Energy; Case Study


Installation of wind turbines of almost 20m high in the Atlantic Ocean

MAESTRALE Project - CEEI Valencia

MAESTRALE Project - CEEI Valencia

Publicado el jueves, 01 de marzo de 2018 a las 10:14


The DEMOGRAVI3 project is focused on designing, building, assembling, transporting, installing and demonstrating a full scale foundation, equipped with a 2 MW offshore wind turbine, in a consented and grid connected demonstration site.

This project aims to demonstrate an innovative hybrid concrete-steel, self-buoyant bottom standing gravity based foundation (GBF) for offshore wind farms positioned in water depths between 35 and 60m.

The project is funded by the European Union under the framework of the Horizon 2020 call with a total budget of approx. 25 M € and a team form by world-leading companies from the different engineering sectors.



Offshore wind energy is one of the pillars of the energy market in the North of Europe, but has been unable to be implemented successfully in the Mediterranean due to depth limits. However, GBS systems such as DEMOGRAVY3 allows to open a new market since these foundations are able to reach the depth necessary.



First of all, the high energetic conditions of the area limited the number of available weather windows for the transport and deployment of the Gravi3 prototype. Hence, the distance between the assembly port and the installation area needed to me optimized. This was overcome with the definition of accurate forecast systems for the weather window analysis, which allows the consortium to choose the best frame of time for the transport and installation.



The application of the port technology to the offshore wind sector has been the key success factor for this project. Moreover, taking advantage of mature and well developed caisson building approach makes possible to optimize the fabrication of the new caisson and its costs. DEMOGRAVY3 constitutes the next step in the transference of the port knowledge into the offshore wind sector.



As it has been explained, this project would mean the development of wind farms in the Mediterranean sea perfectly adapted to the specific conditions of this area regarding depth and soil. This would mean a new fund and the expansion of sustainable energy in Europe.



Maestrale is an initiative co-founded by European funds which is focused on the creation and development of marine or blue energy. Their aim is to promote research and investment in order to expand this kind of energy in the Mediterranean area.


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