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Web Summit 2023


Comienzo: el lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2023 a las 09:00
Finaliza: el jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2023 a las 20:00

At a time of great uncertainty for many industries and, indeed, the world itself – we gather policymakers, heads of state and the founders and CEOs of technology companies and fast-growing startups to ask a simple question: Where to next?

Web Summit will bring 70,000+ people together with the companies redefining the tech industry.

Networking Experts from every industry will come together for Web Summit. Share ideas with others in your field, meet your future business partner or seek advice from people who’ve done it all before. 

Lead generation
We live in uncertain times for tech and business. At Web Summit, we welcome the people who are tackling the big challenges facing industries today. Our tracks cover topics ranging from deep tech and data science to design and environmental sustainability.
Learning and development
In our current climate, upskilling has never been more important. Web Summit’s educational content, informative masterclasses and innovative roundtables mean that you can bring valuable skills back to your office – remote or otherwise. 
Inspiring content
Alongside tech’s leaders and innovators, we’ve gathered authors, athletes, actors and more to talk about how tech touches their industries. Our world-class speakers will take to the stage to share their expertise through inspiring talks, interactive Q&As, and masterclasses covering more than 30 topics.

Team building
Teams from the world’s top organisations come together at Web Summit to strengthen professional bonds. Give your team a shared experience and spark new ideas through inspiring talks and networking opportunities. You never know who you may meet on the event floor.

Brand awareness
Get your brand in front of major international publications. Web Summit attracts senior journalists from the likes of Bloomberg, Financial Times, Forbes, CNBC and the Wall Street Journal. Amplify your message and showcase your company to the world from Lisbon this November.
DATE: Del 13 al 16 de noviembre de 2023. 
PLACE: Altice Arena & Fil, Lisboa
2.139 visitas

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