
MAESTRALE Newsletter 3


miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2017

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On 5th – 7th  July 2017 the MAESTRALE team flew to Gothenburg and Kristineberg to attend the 2nd and 3rd Field Visits in order to be updated on the most advanced BE technologies applied in Sweden.

In particular, the morning of 5th July was dedicated to the visit of the Minesto company located in Västra Frölunda (Gothenburg) and to the presentation of the Deep Green prototype for the exploitation of the slower tidal waves and sea currents.

The afternoon was dedicated to visiting the Waves4Power company (Västra Frölunda) and meeting the work-team to understand the converter technology based on buoys.

The following day has been dedicated to the visit to the Sven Lovén Centre for Marines Sciences (Kristineberg), a newly established research centre within the University of Gothenburg, whose team explained the new project based on the cultivation of algae and sea micro-organisms as source of biogas production.

Then followed the visit to the SeaTwirl’s prototype test-site located in Lysekil, an innovative mooring floated windmill with blades turning around tower’s vertical axis, and the visit to the Seabased AB headquarter, a world leading company for the design, production and instalment of wave energy converters. 

>>> Download here the rest of the newsletter ☝️

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