
EU|BIC Essentials Training

Comienzo: el miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017 a las 08:00
Finaliza: el jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017 a las 18:00


Avenue de Tervuren, 168

Brussels, Belgium

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incubation and acceleration EBN process

EU|BIC Essentials Training

The fourth EU|BIC Essentials Training will take place during the first quarter of 2017 and it will provide an in-depth understanding of EUBICs: what they are, what they represent, how they should be structured and what kind of services they should be delivering to entrepreneurs.  Each segment of the incubation service value chain will be looked at in detail, along with dynamic testimonials from some of the network's best practices examples.

The training is aimed at new staff members of existing EU|BICs and the staff members of organizations that are thinking of becoming an EU|BIC. It is also available for any current EU|BICs staff/managers wishing to refresh/ update the latest Incubation services and methodologies.

An EU|BIC's value chain is classically described as follows: “stimulate, detect, assess, select, incubate, mentor, cluster, accelerate, internationalise”. Coupled with practitioner’s testimonials, Giordano Dichter, Head of EUBIC Services, will take participants through the innovation-based incubation journey, analysing the fundamental elements of a sound incubation and acceleration process.

For more information, please check EBN Training.



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