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Acceleration program Forest Starter

Supporting innovative business for a sustainable future

Publicado por Admoneuropa2020
miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2022 a las 08:58

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Forest Starter  - Difusión EBN

Forest Starter

Forest Starter is an Acceleration Programme for Forest Tech, designed to support the innovation and internationalisation of companies already established in the European market, to build a more sustainable future.


Our aim is to discover and help the next generation of forest tech focused startups to achieve long-term success through the processes and mechanisms of the tech startup culture with the enthusiasm of the startup world.
Forest Starter is a two-week acceleration programme that supports from idea creation to the creation of a go-to-market solution.


This programme is aimed at startups that intend to pilot a project in an EU country, have a proven solution that works in the country of origin and work in forest-related areas.


Participants will have access to the business and forestry expertise of all mentors from the different organisations, as well as forestry data and knowledge to help address the current challenges of one of the largest forestry players in the region.
At the end of the programme, companies will be able to present to investors.

DATE: This programme will take place in the first two weeks of June.

Participation in the programme is free of capital and free of any costs. Preference will be given to start-ups that show a commitment to testing and developing products within the participating countries.



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